Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Using DecisionTables in BussinessRules --SOA 11g

Hi Guys

The Decision Table is a smart, compact way of clustering many IF/THEN rules together, as will be demonstrated in this article. As we dealt with simple IF/THEN,Functions in previous posts.

This article demonstrates how the decision table can be put to good use to implement the business logic behind the classical game of Dice

Rules for Dice game as defined below :

IF Player 1 ="three" Player 2="three"  Player 2 wins
IF Player 1 ="three" Player 2="one,two,four,five,six"  Player 1 wins
IF Player 1 ="one" Player 2="one"  Player 2 wins
IF Player 1 ="one" Player 2="three,two,four,five,six"  Player 1 wins
IF Player 1 ="five" Player 2="five"  Player 2 wins
IF Player 1 ="five" Player 2="three,two,four,six,one"  Player 1 wins
IF Player 1 ="six" Player 2="six"  Player 1,2  are in tie wins
IF Player 1 ="six" Player 2="three,two,four,five,six"  Player 1 wins
IF Player 1 ="two,four" Player 2="two,four" response="tryAgain"

Designing SOA Application :

Create a new XSD document, called Diceplayergame.xsd. It should be composed as follows:

 The RequestType describes the input that the Business Rule will deal with. It consists of two entries, here labeled with throwOne and throwTwo. Both contain exactly one value from the enumerated list of values Stype1. The Response type contains a single element outcomeof Stype2 that has one of three values: One_Wins | Two_Wins | tie.

Create and configure the Business Rule 

 Create new Business Rule component


Set the input and output for the rule based on the Request and Response type defined in the XSD document.
Double click the Business Rule component to edit the rule definition.
o Create XML Facts – go to the Facts tab, click on the green plus icon, select the complex and simple types from the XSD document to have XML Facts created from them

  Verify/Create Bucketsets as illustrated below

Configure the Decision Function

Edit default rule set; create a Decision Table

Create an action: Assert New InputGamedetailsresponse. The outcomeresponse property is parametrized (always to be determined for the rule), make sure the checkbox Always Selected is checked (to make sure this action is executed for every rule that is triggered) and press the ok button

Add conditions for InputGamedetails.throwone and InputGamedetails .throwtwo. Both conditions are associated with bucketset Roll_Dice.

Below illustrated Design of decision-table

TestCases :


                                                                                                                By DeepthiReddy

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